来場特典キャーンペーン2024/06/23This is a campaign announcement from Science Home East Japan. At the mome...
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Tour of the complet...2024/02/26Hello. This is the wooden house ``Science Home Soka Store''. We would like to ...
完成見学会! 埼玉県...2024/02/08Hello. This is the wooden house ``Science Home Soka Store''. We would like to ...
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Buy a house here! !...2023/10/22We offer three consultation sessions to discuss what you are worried about and wh...
Announcement of com...2023/09/17This is a notice from Science Home Soka store. Thanks to the kindness of the o...
This is a notice from Science Home East Japan, which builds custom homes in Saitama.
If you want to build a custom home, please contact Science Home East Japan, which has designed wooden houses that give you a sense of warmth mainly in Saitama. We will use the know-how we have cultivated to carefully support our customers so that they can find the best option for them from a variety of options.
The latest information page of a construction company that undertakes design requests for custom homes in Saitama contains valuable and useful information for customers considering construction, so please take a look.
Science Home East Japan, with a reputation for building high-satisfying custom homes in Saitama, is constantly refining its technology to meet the needs of its customers. We will continue to talk with customers many times, and we will do our best to build a home where you can live a comfortable life. Please contact us if you want to ask for a construction company that can give you the ideal, and that you are looking for a craftsman who can leave it without anxiety.
The construction company that received many requests for custom-made homes in Saitama diligently updated the information that we wanted to inform customers, and sent out the information. We make every effort to create a company that our customers can request with confidence, and we provide every single service with the utmost sincerity. You can see various information such as practical examples and media posting information from the new information page, so if you are interested please check it for reference.
The construction company that received many requests for custom-made homes in Saitama diligently updated the information that we wanted to inform customers, and sent out the information. We make every effort to create a company that our customers can request with confidence, and we provide every single service with the utmost sincerity. You can see various information such as practical examples and media posting information from the new information page, so if you are interested please check it for reference.